This Then Is Art, Horizontal

© Nikki McDonald

This Then Is Art, Horizontal

Uploaded: April 14, 2017 | Entered: April 14, 2017 19:53:09


Category: Man-Made

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10000/1000000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100,100, FocalLength: 20.00 mm, Model: DSLR-A580


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 15, 2017

Outstanding - Great perspective, color, reflections and detail! #1684081

Joy Rector April 15, 2017

love the prespecive #11583591

Harvey A. Ravitch April 15, 2017

Yes it is! Beautiful capture, &. Reflection! #11583663

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic April 15, 2017

Stunning!!! :o) Fav! #11583787

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic May 31, 2017

Nice to see this again! Congratulations on your Finalist, Nikki! #11602101

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic May 31, 2017

Congrats on your well deserved Finalist Nikki! #11602275

Harvey A. Ravitch May 31, 2017

So Well Deserved! Congratulations! Go For the AU ! #11602305

Emile Abbott level-classic June 01, 2017

Stunning finalist, Congrats Nikki. #11603230

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic August 10, 2017

Nikki, congratulations on your POTD!!! This is another stunning example of your skilled photographer's eye and ability! :o) #11629778

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic August 10, 2017

Stunning capture Nikki! Congratulations on your POTD! #11629789

Wally Orlowsky August 10, 2017

Kudos on your POTD, Nikki #11629795

Mitch Spence level-classic August 10, 2017

Congratulations on your towering potd. #11629805

Anita Bower August 10, 2017

Outstanding! The diagonal lines are perfect--not sure how you achieved them. The blue and red colors are excellent. This is a stunning and well created image. #11629811

Leslie McLain level-classic August 10, 2017

Congrats on a fantastic POTD, Nikki. #11629812

Leslie McLain level-classic August 10, 2017

Congrats on a fantastic POTD, Nikki. #11629813

Martha R. Mazon level-classic August 10, 2017

What an eye-opener for POTD, Nikki! Outstanding! #11629817

Chuck Green level-classic August 10, 2017

Congrats, Nikki, on your Finalist and POTD! <>< #11629871

Chris Budny level-deluxe August 10, 2017

Congratulations, Nikki! Well seen and done! #11630027

Ken Smith level-classic August 10, 2017

Super job, Nikki. Congrats on your POTD!

Michele Peterson level-classic August 10, 2017

Wow, those colors are incredible! Congratulations on the POTD today. #11630095

Terry A. Stoa August 11, 2017

Way to go, Nikki. Another outstanding image. Are these buildings in Omaha? #11630254

Terry A. Stoa August 11, 2017

Way to go, Nikki. Another outstanding image. Are these buildings in Omaha? #11630255

John Koepfer @PresentPleasures August 12, 2017

Incredible Finalist, POTD and capture Nikki, congratulations!! #11630711

Melvin Ness level-classic August 15, 2017

Well done great photo. #11631527

Lindley Johnson level-classic August 15, 2017

Just saw this fabulous finalist and POTD - congratulations! I love the lines, reflections, and POV. #11631569

Cary Rogers August 29, 2017

Congrats on your POTD and silver winner, Nikki! Great colors, detail and design elements! #11634883

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